This blog ist just my little outlet for the time when I fell like writing something. Its not really meant for others to read but its online anyway as there might be someone on this lovely blue ball in the universe that might find some particular detail interesting enogh to read about it on my blog. Besides that I dont really expect a lot of traffic on here. Heck, I dont even have userstats or analytics in any way for this site. Sure I could aggregate the data from my server logs but thats more of a tedious task on a bored winter night or something. Thats the exact same reason why I dont have comments enabled on here. Its not that the blogging platform I use isn’t capable of it. Its just a flag I decided to turn off on purpose. I dont expect people to have strong oppionions on the stuff I write or that they want to comment on my thoughts in any way. And if there is someone who really wants to tell me how they feel about a certain topic, there is always my email address on the frontpage. And there you have it. The reason I dont have comments enabled and why I probably will never turn them on. Just putting this out there so I can reference it if somebody at some time should ask or wonder about it.